We present you our extremely talented tenors, with an amazing experience in Opera singing. This are a few of our artist ready for contract. Please contact us and we will give you all the details. T001 Tenor from Italy T002 Tenor from Italy T003 Tenor from Colombia T004 Tenor from Brazil T010 Tenor from England […]

We present you our extremely talented soprano, with an amazing experience in Opera singing. This are a few of our artist ready for contract. Please contact us and we will give you all the details. SP04 Soprano from Italy SP016 Soprano from Italy SP019 Soprano from Ukraine SP023 Soprano from Germany SP024 Soprano from Poland […]

In the following links you can find our best bands of musicians. The have a great repertoire and great experience in entertaining customers, and also they have the ability to cheer the crowd and satisfy the audience. This are a few of our artist ready for contract. Please contact us and we will give you […]

Check our pop singers, people with very good voices, and with great experience in production shows. This are a few of our artist ready for contract. Please contact us and we will give you all the details. S032 Female singer from Ukraine S046 Female singer from Italy S055 Male Singer from Ukraine S045 Male singer […]

Ballroom Dancers
We present you our great ballroom couples, with great result in Dance competition and also great skills in modern jazz and strong lifts. This are a few of our artist ready for contract. Please contact us and we will give you all the details. B003 couple performing SALSA, from Colombia B004 Ballroom couple from Romania […]

Jazz Dancers
In the following playlist, you will find our dancers girls and boys, available for contracts. They have strong base of Classical ballet, modern contemporary, modern jazz, hip hop, partner work and magician assistance. This are a few of our artist ready for contract. Please contact us and we will give you all the details. J008 […]

GROUP Artists
In the following playlist you will find our groups of artist, they can be from 4-6 persons. They perform extremely unique acts, mixing the acrobatics and aerial acts. This are a few of our artist ready for contract. Please contact us and we will give you all the details. AA016 A group of acrobats from […]

TRIO Artists
We present you our trio artist, they can do different numbers, in solo, duo and also trio. They can be the perfect choice for your production shows. This are a few of our artist ready for contract. Please contact us and we will give you all the details. AA014 Trio group from Zimbawe 3007 Trio […]

DUO Artists
Check our duo artist, we are presenting you aerial duos, adagio, and more and interesting unique numbers that they can perform in your shows. This are a few of our artist ready for contract. Please contact us and we will give you all the details. 2145 Duo contorsionist from Mongolia 2131 Duo contorsionist from Mongolia […]

SOLO Artists
Please check our solo artist, with different kind of numbers: aerial, jugglers, magicians, Cyr wheel and so on. This are a few of our artist ready for contract. Please contact us and we will give you all the details. 1108 Solo male artist from Ethiopia 1093 Solo male artist from Italy 1034 Solo female […]